Sunday, February 19, 2012



Very limited internet access here in Varanasi. Having a wonderful stay. Twice now boating on the Ganges, drinking in the atmosphere and spiritual essence of the place. In fact I should probably not be using technology at all given the slow and ancient and spiritual pace of life here. The long line of people for miles and miles waiting to enter the Golden Temple of Shiva was amazing to witness. People standing for four or five hours for their moment to offer water mixed with milk in the temple together with Dhatura fruit the favored fruit of Lord Shiva. Today is the festival of Mahashivratri the day when Lord Shiva was married to his wife Parvati. So I am doubly blessed to be here for Ash Wednesday in two days time and also by residing in Varanasi on this holiday I am told I receive a blessing from Shiva. Tomorrow I will spend the day at Sarnath a special sacred site for Buddhists. I will learn more about Buddha's time spent there tomorrow.      


  1. This sounds astonishing. Can you take pictures?

  2. Is it possible to maintain a sense of tranquility while using modern communication devices? If it works for you, then, you are okay with the technology. No "shoulds".
