Monday, February 13, 2012


Just creating this blog - a few days before departure for India. Don't know yet whether I will publish and to and for whom. At the moment its like a kind of diary and reference for what might soon be hard to keep track of in terms of dates, times, people I meet and activities along the way. I leave for India on Sunday, 2/12/12.

So grateful for the Sabbatical granted by the Session of WEPC and for the grant from the Clergy Renewal Program that makes it so abundant. Bought new travel gear this week - Osprey traveler bag, mosquito net, steripen for water purification, quick-dry towel, sheet liner, etc. Feeling the challenge of packing light and compact. What to take and what not to take??? My to do list is getting shorter then longer then shorter again :) Still some loose ends with doctors and prescriptions, but hope to finalize before Saturday. 

Cleaned out the kitchen cupboards, and the fridge and freezer. Will probably turn off the fridge/freezer while away. Had a massage at the usual place on 94th Street - felt very good. Handed car keys to Guillermo. Spent an hour with Apple on the phone still sorting out awkwardness with my i-Mac.  Perhaps going to watch "Inside Job" from Netflix tonight. 

Great last soccer game last night with the guys. Scored three goals - unlike me. Cakes were cut for my departure after the game.

Made good e-mail contact yesterday with Alwan Masih, General Secretary of the Church of North India (CNI) who I will be meeting at their church headquarters in New Delhi a week from today at 4:00 p.m. Let's see how much jetlag I have overcome by then!

Wrote, Fr. James at Mount Saviour thanking him for promise of a place to spend sabbatical time and indicating that I would no longer be able to take up that hospitality, since India and Scotland would occupy all my available time.

Excited about India, nervous too. I'm being told that combination is good.

Excited too about a stay in Scotland in a place of my own for four weeks, with a car of my own and independence - freedom to do my own thing as well as visit family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. mosquito net=essential. i love mine. i am very happy you are writing.
