Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Precious gear I have with me – invaluable!!

2/22/12 – Ash Wednesday

I have contracted a cold – such a small thing in comparison with lots of other possibly ailments none of which have occurred (keeping my fingers crossed and my healthy habits in focus). I have my (some of you know this about me) Chinese herbal pills and liquid Echinacea and Goldenseal that will cut the cold’s impact and length dramatically. If this cold is the only intimation of my mortality on this trip (thinking of Ash Wednesday) then I will count myself very fortunate. I will attend an Ash Wednesday service here in Varanasi, most probably in the Roman Catholic church. 

I am sooooo grateful to Matt, Michael, Michael, and Eleanor (you know who you areJ) for recommendations for gear I needed to take with me.

I have sterilized already countless liters of water by the simple Steripen (UV light) method – such simplicity compared with what I’m told the older sterilization pumps used to involve – 1.5 minutes for 1 liter and two smiley faces show up very reassuringly to indicate successful sterilization and good battery power or as the case may (yet)be sad faces if either the procedure needs to be repeated or batteries changed. I have enough replacement batteries with me to last several months.

A second unexpectedly precious item is my mummyliner (so named for its shape), that I climb into between the sheets, made by Cocoon (free advertising hereJ) made of a special coolmax material (extremely lightweight and compact in my travelbag) that doubles up as a warmer, warming me by several degrees in cold weather. In my case so far it has saved me with warmth on the cold nights (all of them so far).In Delhi the locals were complaining that winter was not yet over. In Varanasi they reassure me that with the Shiva festival on February 21 summer begins.

Then there is the headlamp – such a simple and wonderful device that conveys a strong beam that can be directed in various settings for reading or walking – so necessary for many early mornings or late nights moving around both outside and inside when all other artificial light is turned off or the power has gone out. For someone who has grown used to living in the perpetual light of New York, the darkness of India at night and in the early morning is refreshing and and the same time the headlamp the lives under my pillow is invaluable.

One items I am carrying that I have not yet needed – my mosquito net and mosquito repellant for the skin (I’m ready when they areJ).

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