Friday, February 24, 2012

My first overnight train ride


This last evening I reluctantly pulled out of Varanasi by overnight train. The stay and the people there were wonderful. I have a picture of the team that were helping me in various ways (see below). The train was on time in departure but two hours late in arrival. This is not unusual for a slow overnight train. I shared a sleeper compartment with two Danish women and an Indian man. The conversations were pleasant and enjoyable. We chose not to be disturbed by the mouse that was dashing around our feet from time to time. The Danes had travelled third class on a previous journey and they assured me the pleasant contrast on this second class coach was a boon. I had an upper bunk, and was able to sleep in stretches. Hard to know as I write at 9:00 a.m. how tired I really am, between the natural excitement of a new place and the fitful sleep last night. I will find out in due course. We were up and ready for an on-time arrival, being told by various staff that we were 10 minutes away, 15 minutes away, 14 minutes away, all of these well after the previous time had elapsed. As it turned out we had been two hours away from arrival! My new driver, Bumpi (easy name to remember:) was patiently waiting for me. He had driven from Delhi yesterday evening. He seems a really pleasant chap and I think we’ll get along just fine for the next 25 days. He’s also driving a good car. Today after some rest this morning, I’ll go on a guided tour of Agra Fort, tomorrow at 5:00 a.m. Bumpi will pick me up for my guided tour of  the Taj Mahal. (I caught a glimpse of it this morning through the fog that descends after sunrise.) Then after a quick breakfast we’ll head in the direction of Rajasthan for a seven hour drive (not including stops on the way).    

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