Thursday, February 16, 2012

Indian Food soooo Yummy!


In my early posts I have neglected to comment on this wonderful feature of my visit to India so far. The good food began, believe it or not, with the food on the Continental flight from Newark, prepared in an Indian kitchen somewhere in Queens.The food has been scrumptious. I have found it perfectly delicious and in plentiful supply at lunch and dinner here at the House.  They have a good chef on staff for sure! I expect to find variations as I travel of course, as I take my chances in various restaurants and hotels. What will be interesting is to see is if I tire of this style of food during the trip or start craving something else. All the food has been vegetarian and I have not missed meat at all in fact quite the contrary. I have no names for what I have been eating but all kinds of vegetables, beans and rice cooked in various styles. Breakfast has been more on a western style here at the House - porridge, toast and marmalade. The cold temperatures have made tea very tempting, but apart from one cup yesterday I have been resisting and drinking water (my caffeine aversion).   

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