Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Morning Prayer


The morning prayer today at 7:00 a.m. touched me in particular ways. Chanting the psalms and canticles and prayers in unison of rhythm and intonation and phrasing, familiar words whether in Scotland or New York or Delhi. Perhaps it was the focus on St Stephen and the dramatic story of his ordination and ministry and testimony and dying, led by a priest whose is in constant awareness of his mortality. So glad I decided to start out my pilgrimage here. Can't get to Mount Saviour on this Sabbatical because time does not allow, but beginning and ending my time in India in this holy community of Christian love and prayer and service is deeply moving. Today prayers and Eucharist were led by Fr. Ian Weathrall. He is recovering from a second surgery to remove tumors in his brain, and last year spent several months in hospital for cancer treatment, living in the hospital but coming to the House here for prayers and every day - a remarkable man.

My brother Michael's birthday today - far off in Stornoway, Scotland. Happy Birthday, Michael ! 

New Delhi has some kind of emergency readiness drill today, so we'll see how my first venture in traveling alone goes - walking to the Metro (subway) station and from there to the center of the city.


  1. blessings on your sightseeing. grateful for this blog.

  2. A truly spiritual post - I could almost feel the transcendence of prayer. How wonderful to have found a community so far from home and yet home.
