Tuesday, February 14, 2012

House Tales

2/14/12              Getting slowly into the flow of daily prayer and life here in this monastery. Knowing how long it takes me to settle in I know from past monastery visits - like Mount Saviour in New York - that just at the time I'm in the flow will be time to leave, but I will be back here again just before I return to NYC.  Today I had good conversation with the brothers over lunch and again after dinner - The remarkable ministries of this House to the socially marginalized - schools and elderly care, Swami Abishiktananda, his visits here, his collected writings uniquely housed here, takes of Abishiktananda Society, and of the Swami's disciple Marc - expanding on my new found interest in Swamiji. Also I got directions for getting into the city tomorrow for some sight seeing and the meeting with Alwan Masih, General Secretary of the Church of North India (CNI). Fun to see up close the interactions and teasings and banter between brothers who have spent years together in one House.

Chloe's Birthday today. Happy Birthday, Chloe!!! Best wishes for the upcoming weekend of grad program visits!

Happy Valentine's Day to one and all!!! What a remarkable place to spend St. Valentine's Day! Not a word was spoken and I wasn't about to introduce the Hallmark holiday to the conversation! :)

Signing out since its past lights out time! I think that might apply to computer monitors too !

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