Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Rest and Be Thankful

There is a small village in the north of Scotland with this lovely name, "Rest And Be Thankful." I am feeling this exact sentiment here in Old Delhi, enjoying the quite contemplative spirit of this monastery, the formative power of praying the hours even for just two short days. I am doing my own laundry for a pleasant change (on the road it has to be entrusted to others). I am enjoying the 7 month old puppy, Piddi, and feeling the gentle breeze that floats through the cool inner chambers of the house. Its getting much warmer in Delhi. It will be in the high 80s and 90s in Chennai and the south, so we will see how I fare in that humid heat ! Here are a few pics from my journey from Jaipur to Delhi.

Just a tiny portion of the Wind (Window) Palace in Jaipur (365 windows) by which the Queen and female attendants could watch the processions below.

Amber Fort outside Jaipur on the Delhi road.

With Dimpi (seven months), daughter of Maya and Bumpi

Delightful to meet her at last!

Family reunion after 25 days on the road.


  1. What a cute little girl! Bumpi was away from his family for 25 days? My goodness, that's what work is outside of the first world, isn't it? I'm glad they were reunited and you were in the north and glad you could travel for $2!

  2. Yes, the contrasts are striking. And I have so many moments to reflect on the relative smallness of my concerns.
