Thursday, March 22, 2012

Finally the tummy bug has struck

3 /23/12

No I am not superman !!! Yesterday and today I am in that “almost inevitable” place with my GI tract after so many weeks without it. So I am keeping up with my program of activity but cutting back on blog writing and photo uploading etc.

My visits to the Christian Medical College and guided tours, especially to the rural 100% nurse managed College of Nursing Community Health (CONCH) program and the Low Cost Effective  Care Unit (LCECU) program in Vellore itself have been amazing experiences. The concepts and approaches developed here have so much to teach the medical world and the church world … “till every church be a hospital and every hospital a church” in achieving the highest aspirations of each. I will upload pictures and perhaps more commentary at a later date. Now to rest and conserve some energy.  

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...this is very interesting. So much is to be desired in the medical community in the so-called first world. Healthcare is such a crisis here and with the drug and insurance companies leading the crusade for inferior healthcare at ever spiraling prices, I would we could import some of these methodologies and training everywhere. What a mess we are in - and we're supposedly the leaders of the free world!
