Monday, March 5, 2012

Pictures from Sunday and Monday

 Inside Shepherd Memorial Church,Udaipur

The pastors who have served here, includiing Rev. Dr. James Runciman and Rev. John Stirling 
 With the group of medical students from NE India who attended the English service and sang
 Baptism certificate of Rev. A.V.M. Massey, (pictured above) retired pastor of Shepherd Memorial Church who was baptized by JWD in 1937. I was baptized by JWD in 1959.

View from my hotel room balcony - delightful, especially in the evening

City Palace from rooftop restaurant

Lake Palace Hotel - I plan to have lunch there Tuesday

Inside Lady Garden
 View of Shepherd Memorial Church, Udaipur
 Inside Lady Garden
 Having tea on the road to the tribal area of Bhagpura

The ministry team at Bhagpura numbering 50 families (count six to a family). Rev. Anil Meena Assistant Pastor (far left) in charge of Bhagpura. Rev. E.D. Singh (in clerical collar) visiting pastor. Bhagpura and several other triabal parishes are under the overall charge of Rev. Emmanual Damor at Shepherd Memorial Church. 

With the ministry team outside the church after being presented with a turban fit for a Rajasthani king

The presentation inside the sanctuary after a short worship service


  1. The retreat was a success. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. Hope all is well with you.

  2. Wow, Udaipur is beautiful....I like the turban. :) Very whirling dervish of you.
