Sunday, March 4, 2012

Bundi, Kota, and Piploda


In Bundi I met the pastor who has a developing ministry with a new congregation that so far meets in the homes of the members while hoping and praying to have a church building. The churches call these meetings in homes “Cottage Prayer” or “Cottage Services.” Especially in the season of Lent all over the Diocese there are cottage prayer meetings every day of the week led by lay leaders. In Bundi I had a wonderful guided tour of the Fort and Palace. The magnificent paintings, some of which have been preserved were a delight to behold. 

Then yesterday in Kota I met the pastor, Rev. Naharmal Barnabas, his Associate Pastor Rev. Reena Massey, and lay leadership of a big and thriving congregation that had accomplished two major building projects in the last decade – an extension of the length of the sanctuary at the chancel end and later an addition of a bell tower at the main entrance. Both projects funded by the giving of the congregation. I was greeted and honored with multiple garlands of flowers and a tour of the church. Then it was on to Piploda and small entirely Christian village that has been blessed with good farmland being originally established by the missionaries close to five rivers. The name of the Congregation is Jangal Mangal Mandi which translates to Light in the Forest or Happiness in the Forest (this is in the green part of Rajasthan). The Pastor Rev. Akhlendra Singh together with church leaders and many villagers met me again with garlands of flowers but also with a procession led by a wonderful drummer playing a drum specific to such welcoming processions. The procession stopped while I was taken into their recently built church hall and then again as we stopped to view the Church, and once again to view the now somewhat derelict mission bungalow of which they are very proud even in its dilapidated state, then back in procession to the church hall where I was treated to a wonderful lunch in my honor. I  was remembering later in the day that one of  JWD's nicknames for Aunt Rhoda was Rhoda Piploda. Then we made our way back the 100 km to Kota where I met the family of my guide Mr. Anil Paul, who as well as serving as the Diocesan representative on the Synod Council and the Diocesan Executive Committee was the organizing secretary for major anniversary celebrations in Piploda and in Kota in recent years. Then my driver and I went on to spend the night in Udaipur, getting up early to attend the Hindi service at Shepherd Memorial Church. I was presented with a beautiful marble plaque depicting the church and invited to bring greetings. Later in the service during communion I helped to distribute the bread. There must have been upwards of 400 people in the congregation. The church was packed and about a hundred were seated outside the church building. This congregation also had plans for building an extension. It is wonderful to see the impact of the faithful ministry and outreach in this congregation and in Kota. At the time of the service this morning I was invited to preach this evening and upon my request was given the lectionary texts for tonight’s service. So after lunch I have been preparing for tonight’s sermon and actually relishing the prospect. Today West End Church completes its retreat experience at Mount Manresa in Staten Island with worship at West End and with Rev. Krystin Granberg preaching. My thoughts have been with them all during this weekend. 

 Bundi Fort, Palace and Lake. My hotel in yellow on the lakeside

 Main Entrance - Elephant Gate - of the Palace
 Depiction of Elephant fight. First they parched them of thirst then gave them alcohol to drink and they the elephants fought - so cruel a sport !

 Sun worship with angels attending the sun god - on ceiling of elephant gate

 Kota Church after recent addition of bell tower

Inside Kota Church showing the new length of the sanctuary

 With Pastor and brothers Anil Paul and Soondeep Paul outside Kota Church

 In the midst of the crowd of well-wishers and welcome party at Piploda

On procession in the streets of Piploda

With Pastor and leaders of the congregation of Piploda Church

With some of the women leaders of Piploda Church

  At home with the extended family of Anil Paul

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