Monday, April 9, 2012

Reflections in Delhi


Returning to Delhi by way of bus to Aurangabad, and flight to Delhi, I once again had a sense of returning home. Living conditions in the monastery are much more basic than the hotel rooms I have inhabited, but it has become home here in India for me with the community that live and pray and work here. And I actually like the simplicity of the house.

On Easter Monday morning I was delighted and blessed to be received as an Associate of the Brotherhood of the Ascended Christ in the 7:00 a.m. Morning Worship and Eucharist. I had applied for this before I left for Chennai. The brotherhood had met to consider. I had written my own Rule of Life (for my own context of ministry, as required) and it only remained to be received in worship, by Father Ian Weatherall, the Head. Later in the morning Kirsty (a physics teacher in training from London) and I accompanied Dinesh to visit one of the schools administered by the Brotherhood. Then in the evening yesterday I met up for dinner with Sanjolie and Namrata (whom I met on the cruise from Vaikom in Kerrala) at Moet, a favorite place of in theirs in the defence colony market. We had a great evening together over good food and wine.

 Today I am taking it easy. Towards the end of my trip I am learning deeper and deeper levels of "taking it easy." I think my main project today is to buy another simple suitcase to transport the stuff I have accumulated while here in India. I am fully expecting a big shock when I get back to working in West End and in New York. I really have adjusted to a gentler pace of life here - the only hectic aspects have been ones I have created for myself in my schedule or expectations of myself along the way.
Tomorrow morning I will accompany Fr. Monodeep to the leper colony in which he does his ministry on Sundays and through the week. I will be reflecting with him on the challenge facing this community who have had several setbacks in trying to rehabilitate themselves into the economy of the wider community.

My flight leaves Delhi at 10:30 p.m. tomorrow evening. Family and friends in Scotland will be in the land of nod. Family and friends in NYC will be on the point of falling asleep! I will arrive in NYC in the early hours of April 12 New York time.  

Some of the brothers at table (l to r) Fr. Solomon, Marshall Henry, Fr. Ian Weatherall, Fr. Monodeep Daniel, Fr. (former bishop) Collin Theodore

 A class in school

 Dinesh and Kirsty examining the science projects strewn over the table in the science lab.

 The science teacher discussing with Kirsty the level of difficulty in assembling this radio

 A student completing a Hindi poem of his own composition on the board, with his teacher, Mrs Anupama Saxena looking on.

With one of the finest of the teachers, Mrs Sanat Jahan. Her ability and gift as a teacher were evident the moment we entered the classroom. It was palpable in atmosphere.

With Namrata and Sanjolie in our reunion dinner.


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