Saturday, April 14, 2012

Last Two Days in Delhi

 Pictured here visiting the Amarjyoti leprosy colony established by the Brotherhood of the Ascended Christ some 35 years ago. Their church is in the background. I spent time greeting them, shaking hands, sitting with them, receiving their hospitality of a delicious cup of chai, talking with them about the challenges facing their community.

With Fr.Monodeep Daniel, who is reviving the Brotherhood's pastoral work with this community, bringing them worship leadership every Sunday and pastoral care.

Inside the magnificent Sikh temple, Bangla Sahib Gurudwara, in Delhi.

Before entering I took off shoes and socks, was provided with appropriate head covering, walked through a shallow ritual foot washing stream, ritually washed my hands, and then felt appropriately ready to enter the temple, where music and worship and continuous throughout the day.

The approach to the temple.
After a heavy thunderstorm during the day (my first rain in India) in which I got thoroughly drenched, I was on my way in the company of the brothers to a dinner invitation just outside the city. The sky was amazing after the storm and towards sunset. It felt like a special gift on the eve of my departure from Delhi.

 Another view of the skyline with a Japanese temple in the foreground.

Br.Dinesh at the dinner.  He was the one who assisted me most in my stay at the Brotherhood House  and in orientation to the city of Delhi.

 Kirsty Allan and her husband from Manchester, England who invited us.

 Fr. Ian and Fr. Monodeep 

Rob, (Kirsty's brother in law) and his fiancee, whose home we were visiting

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