Sunday, April 1, 2012

Anticipating Pune, Ahmednagar, and Meherabad


I want to set the scene as I anticipate with considerable excitement a special part of my pilgrimage here in India. Two really good friends Matt and Viola in NYC are Baba lovers and have been sharing with me from time to time about Meher Baba and the Baba centers at Meherabad and in South Carolina where they have frequently stayed. I have just finished reading their gift to me of Donkin's Diaries - Travels in India with Meher Baba. From Mumbai, tomorrow morning by bus I am heading towards Ahmednagar (and Meherabad) by way of Pune, where I will spend one night. Baba was born and grew up in Poona (Pune) and I will visit his childhood home. When he was 19 he met another Perfect Master of the time Qutub Hazrat Babajan who sat and taught under the neem tree in the Char Bawdi area of Pune. There she made him aware of his divine status but bringing him into a state of God-consciousness. And the amazing story begins from there.... I have a map of all the significant places in Pune so I hope to also find the neem tree. I will definitely have my camera with me. I will then spend three nights in Ahmednagar in order to spend time over two days in Meherabad visiting Baba lovers there. I will visit Baba's Samadhi (tomb shrine) in the company of Viola's good friend Debjani. I am so honored, thanks to Viola's introduction and Debjani's plan for my visit, that I will have a meeting with Bhau, the last of Baba's male disciples still alive - who lived with and served Baba in person. To be continued .....

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