Saturday, April 21, 2012

New York - Edinburgh - Perth


After a short hiatus, I am back to my blog. The turn around in New York went well. I fought to overcome jetlag and was partially successful (so that when I arrived in Edinburgh the shift was easier). I visited some of my various doctors for appointments. I went to visit my bunny rabbits in Brooklyn at the home of Marcie and Frank. Arnie and Izzy are doing very well - thriving in fact - certainly keeping their hosts on their toes and there have been few dull moments for them with these two to keep up with. The latest story with Izzy was that after being combed (they are both shedding right now) she picked up the comb in her teeth carried it to the edge of the enclosure and proceeded to push it through the bars of the pen, as if to say, "that's enough of that thank you very much!"  I met up at the conservatory garden in Central Park with Matt and Viola and Viola's mother Ella - all Baba lovers - and it was wonderful to see them and to convey the blessings directly from Bhauji to each of them. I met a few other friends over the three days and then made my way once more to Newark to fly out of the country, this time to Edinburgh where my brother Brian was there to meet me and take me to my Dad's home for the balance of the week.

Now for the BIG news!  My Dad has become engaged to be married to Jean Steven. The wedding will be on May 19 with both their extended families invited. I have been honored by my Dad's invitation to officiate, and after some considerable e-mail correspondence between Dad, Lynne Rogers who is one of the registrars for marriages in Edinburgh, Rev. George Whyte, the presbytery clerk in the Presbytery of Edinburgh, and myself the matter was resolved in favor of me being authorized to officiate. Though I thought at first that I had never met Jean, it turns out that I have. In Kelty, my first parish in Scotland, I both conducted the funeral of her late brother George Chalmers and also officiated alongside my friend the Roman Catholic priest Fr. Mike Purcell in St Joseph's church, Kelty in the marriage of her nephew Stephen to Pamela, both of whom I will meet again at this wedding. Jean was present of course on both occasions. It has been delightful to spend time with Jean three times this week, and even more delightful to see how much this new relationship means to both Jean and my Dad. It is truly a small world. Some of you may think that Scotland is a small place, but believe me even here that saying applies.

Needless to say this first week in Edinburgh has been full with wedding plans and brotherly conversations. This afternoon I have escaped to Perth to begin what my friend Suzanne in NYC aptly calls my "residency" in the Stable Cottage just off the Crieff road out of Perth. I am delighted with the cottage. Gwen, who with her husband Alistair, is the proprietor, was born and raised in Ross-shire, and indeed went to Logie Easter primary school which is neighboring to Kilmuir Easter primary school where I and my brothers went. We are looking forward to an evening when we can talk about our childhood in the north. She goes up to Muir-of-Ord every Tuesday to take care of her mother and shop with her. Her mother is 92 years old and still going strong.  Apologies that I have no pictures of Matt, Viola, Ella, Suzanne, nor yet of Jean. I'll sign off there as I go out to have an evening meal. 

Arnie and Izzy contemplating a dash through the cardboard tunnel

 Izzy pausing at the water bowl.

 Arnie, always so photo friendly.

Dad at his laptop, at home in Winton Park, Edinburgh

Stopping off in Kelty (between Edinburgh and Perth) I visited my friend Veronica Forrest at her Deli and was treated to some refreshments. Veronica is making the wedding cake for May 19 and I for one know it will be an exceedingly good cake!


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