Saturday, May 5, 2012

Perth and Thornton


I may well have left many followers behind on account of the long delay in getting around to this post. My time has been full with a great variety of activity. I've had visits from friends, Jacinta and David last Saturday and Gordon and Karen today. I've had meals with friends, Ruth and Gordon, and Eileen. I traveled to Glasgow for a gathering of Meher Baba lovers and friends in the company of Dr. Gadekar from Poona in India who was traveling in the UK and had a final stop in Glasgow. Last Sunday I returned to Thornton Parish Church for 10:00 a.m. worship service and met several very familiar people from my days there, Margaret Colville, Jean Kane, and Harry Wyse to name a few. In phone conversation with Margaret yesterday I got the phone numbers for two of my contemporaries Steven and John whom I will be reaching out to greet in coming days. I've enjoyed a wonderful chamber music concert in the company of Eileen, of Mozart sonatas for piano and violin in Perth Concert Hall, performed by Susan Tomes and Erich Hobarth. I've been running most mornings down by the river Almond which has been exhilarating. My reading in the works of my great-grandfather has been enlightening. I've finished "Faith's Certainties," I'll be starting "Faith's Perplexities" very soon.  

 Jacinta and David in the back garden of my cottage.

... and with me in my kitchen.

  Above and below: Detail of the stained glass windows in Thornton Parish Church

The view from the pew where I sat as a teenager listening to my father conduct worship and preach.

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