Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Macduff, Banff, and the Moray Coast


The thread of connection is as spiritual as it is physical. From Macduff my Granny HMC went to study to be a teacher and then was called to serve in Nasirabad, Rajasthan, while her sister, my great aunt Mary became a teacher in Banff Academy. From Rajasthan my travels took me eventually to Mumbai and in Mumhai I met Bosco and Elvina whose good friends, Mike and Mary were the subject of our conversation and I agreed to make contact while in Scotland. This last weekend I went to visit them in Banff, or to be exact just outside Banff, in Inverboyndie, where their house and in particular their conservatory has a beautiful outlook over the beach and the shore in both directions. On Sunday my experience of worship in Mumbai dovetailed perfectly with the worship of the Riverside Network Churches together at the Harvest Center in Banff (formerly Aunt Mary's church hall). I was surrounded with charismatic worship and prophesy and prayer and was delighted to be in that place. On the day before, I drove with Mike through Gardenstown, Pennan, Rosehearty, Sandhaven and Pitsligo, all very familiar from my parents time of ministry in that area.  Here are a few pictures.

 The beach at Inverboyndie

 The harbor at Gardenstown

 Close up of a fishing vessel in Gardenstown

 Gardenstown Church of Scotland

The breakers at Pennan
 Looking down at Pennan harbor from the road

Approaching Rosehearty Manse and Church of Scotland

Rosehearty Manse

Sandhaven Church of Scotland

Pitsligo Parish Church

Ash and Merlot - Mike and Mary's delightful Jack Russell Terriers

 Looking back along the coast

Mike and Mary outside their home  on Sunday morning

13 Wood Street, Banff, where we enjoyed many a family holiday with Aunt Mary

A shop on the main street in Banff, familiar from my childhood

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